Custom Building-Supported Structural Mezzanines
If you're running operations in a large open space and you need more square footage, there are some modern industrial solutions designed to get the most out of an existing facility. Installing a mezzanine or equipment platform of extra floors in an existing building is a great way to add working space to a large volume without costly engineering or architectural services. In situations where a mezzanine can attach to an existing structural envelope, building-supported mezzanines offer a quick and cost-effective upgrade to your facility's working square footage. A set of standard components can be used to construct a first-rate, code-compliant custom mezzanine to accommodate all types of industrial storage and manufacturing requirements. Structural steel mezzanines employ tube sections, floor joists or beams, floor decking, and a large assortment of additional features for an efficient, turnkey solution. Westhead Associates, serving manufacturers in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and beyond, provides a dynamic combination of off-the- shelf components and experienced design services for custom steel fabrications tailored to your operational needs.
Building-supported mezzanines are one of several structural options for incorporating extra space into a facility. After a careful evaluation of the building envelope and its suitability for this option, Westhead Associates will work with you to determine the range of features you need to make the mezzanine operate to its maximum potential. Rack and storage systems, enclosed storage cages, equipment platforms and lifts, access gates, gantries, and a variety of modular in-plant office building types can be integrated into a site-specific custom mezzanine that addresses all of your criteria.
Talk to Westhead Associates and see if a building-supported mezzanine makes sense for your facility. For a structural steel mezzanine or equipment platform that can bring you the most value for the least expense, review the range of available structural options and their associated components, and we'll assemble the pieces into a great new space with all of the function, convenience, and safety you need. Call us at: 1-856-727-0210.