OSHA Guardrails and Handrails
Westhead Associates offers numerous OSHA guardrails and handrails to keep manufacturing operations safe for all workers. As an experienced designer and assembler of custom mezzanines, equipment platforms, modular in-plant office buildings, and many other types of custom steel fabrications, our knowledge of IBC building codes and full compliance with OSHA guidelines is extensive. Guardrail design is an essential part of safety for any type of manufacturing facility, and Westhead will work with you to select the most appropriate guardrail systems to meet your needs.
Guardrail design is just one of the many features of industrial facilities that are strictly monitored by OSHA, or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA regularly carries out unannounced inspections throughout the country to enforce OSHA standards for safe industrial and material handling operations. Both guardrails and handrails must meet dimensional, material strength, and structural assembly standards to ensure the safety of any given facility. Westhead draws from many reliable suppliers for standard components that are well known for OSHA compliance, and guardrail manufacturers provide a variety of OSHA guardrails, OSHA handrails, and guardrail systems designed to meet standards with less time and greater cost effectiveness than custom architectural and engineering services. Westhead Associates streamlines the entire process, and ensures that all of the accessories used in their projects meet OSHA standards, and that all essential fall safety requirements are met each and every time. A strategy that combines standard OSHA guardrails and OSHA handrails into a design precisely calibrated to each facility allows us to provide the best of both worlds; custom design and full OSHA compliance.
Growing businesses turn to Westhead for innovation, design, and rapid assembly. Whatever the needs of your expanding operation, Westhead Associates is prepared to meet the challenge head on, with custom steel fabrication capabilities for any type of industrial application. Learn more about the extensive range of options for turnkey industrial solutions, including guardrail systems for optimum protection and OSHA-compliant safety; call us at: 1-856-727-0210.